Rare Cannabis Strains 2022

Last Updated: September 20, 2024


rare cannabis strain

Image courtesy of ThaPlug

Cannabis cultivation isn’t a modern concept. Many civilizations have been doing it for centuries.

Thanks to many pro-cannabis movements across various periods of time, cannabis and certain cannabis strains have enjoyed various phases and bursts of popularity. 

For some strains, the popularity comes from their lack of availability. There are some strains that are considered to be the rarest of rare and that’s what makes regular consumers pursue them more.

Not just that, these strains are well known for their unique high – some so sought after, they’ve shot to instant popularity thus pushing them to the verge of extinction.

There are many different reasons as to why these certain strains are rare and difficult to obtain.

However, it is a well-known fact that these strains have stood the test of time and continue to be the object of desire for many ents around the world. Here’s our guide for the rarest cannabis strains of 2020.

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The 20 Rarest Cannabis Strains in 2022

Cannabis strains are continuously evolving, and thanks to selective breeding, many of the previously enjoyed strains are disappearing at an alarming rate. In addition, some strains are going away due to conflicts in their originating countries, hybridization, genetic mixing, and more.

This list contains strains from around the world that are challenging to find in 2022; hopefully, you’ll get to try them all one day!

1. Malawi Gold

malawi gold bud


Grown by the Malawi tribes in Africa, Malawi Gold is often touted as one of the strongest Sativa strains in the world. The effects of this strain easily outshine any modern cannabis strain with high THC levels. Malawi Gold delivers a highly energetic and stimulating high that lasts longer and feels stronger than other modern cannabis strains. 

It has a 4-month cultivating timeline. The taste is a combination of sweet and savory, and it’s easily recognizable because of its golden strands.

2. Oaxacan Highland

This strain is from the Oaxacan area of Mexico and was extremely popular in the US during the ‘60s and ‘70s. As a 12-foot tall Sativa strain, Oaxacan Highland buds are known for their sweet and spicy aroma and potent psychedelic effects.

Unfortunately, this strain is quite rare and has disappeared from international markets due to rising levels of violence in Oaxaca areas and hybridization. As a result, Oaxacan Highland is endangered and rare to find for sale these days. However, offshoots like Eldorado contain some of the same original Highland genetics.

3. Jamaican Lion

jamacian lion bud


Bred by Shadrock in 2006 to help with back pain, Jamaican Lion has a 1:1 ratio of CBD to THC, which makes it the perfect strain to alleviate pain while giving a relaxed and euphoric high. The strain placed second in the 2011 San Francisco Cannabis Cup. The highly precise mixture of Indica and Sativa has increased the value and thus the rarity of this strain, mostly because it is also stuck in a highly publicized legal dispute.

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4. Angola Roja

This strain is an African landrace bud that few are lucky enough to enjoy. It’s an ancient Sativa strain; it’s history dates back before the Portuguese occupation of the area, which started in 1575.

Once the Portuguese successfully colonized Angola, the Angol Roja cannabis plant was cultivated and sent to other world areas. It’s believed that many Central and South American red strains descended from this bud. However, cannabis is illegal in that region these days, and little of these strains get into or out of the area. Angola Roja is one of the most popular (and rare) red strains.

5. Sweet Tooth

sweet tooth bud


What’s better than strong cannabis? Strong cannabis that tastes like candy. This Indica strain smells like flowers and berries, tastes like candy, and provides almost instant relaxation. Although hard to come by, it’s blown up in popularity over the past few years.

6. Lebanese

Some of the finest buds in the world come from Lebanon. However, exceptional Lebanese Indica varieties are difficult to find. Lebanese hash comes in two types: red and yellow. The red strains are high in CBN, which is less psychoactive than THC. The yellow strains are more rare and high in THC.

While some heritage seed companies are doing their best to preserve the cannabis lineage from this area, it’s unlikely that you’ll see any Lebanese strains at your local dispensary.

7. Panama Red

panama red bud


Known as the laughing gas of the ‘60s and ‘70s, Panama Red has a nostalgic element attached to its value.

This Sativa has bright red accents and was included in the list of the highest THC strains of that period. This strain is mostly psychedelic in nature and is well-known for its quick mind-altering effects. 

This “pure’’ strain is now a rarity thanks to the increase in demand of hybrid strains and a long flowering time and moderate yield, all of which have contributed to its rarity in cultivation.

Related: Grow Weed Starting From Seed

8. Colombian Red

Colombian Gold, a famous landrace, has been coming back into circulation recently, but what about the Colombian Red variety? In the ‘70s, this strain was one of the best available. However, these days it’s rare to see.

Some seed companies are attempting to bring back this Sativa strain by stabilizing its genetics. However, since it’s a true landrace bud, it’s challenging to cultivate and highly prone to hermaphroditism.

9. Lasqueti Haze

lasqueti haze bud


Many believe that ‘Lasqueti Haze’ is now extinct, or at least almost impossible to find in 2020. Also known as “Lasqueti Sweetie”, this strain is said to be grown on Lasqueti island in the 90’s.

The effects of this strain are fairly similar to Panama Red. It provides an instant boost of energy that is often difficult for many people to process and is said to be a great way to get rid of fatigue. 

The strain is also reported to have a sweet and herbal flavor along with a pungent aroma. There is almost no way of acquiring it, especially online – one just has to be lucky enough to come across it.

10. Roadkill Skunk

Anyone who remembers old-school cannabis likely knows the name Roadkill Skunk. It’s the most intense (read: stinkiest) skunk strain you’ll ever find. While it fell out of favor long ago, it’s making a solid comeback.

Roadkill Skunk is Indica-dominant and produces a THC content of 12-18%. However, don’t expect to find it at your typical shop. While finding the original strain is near impossible now, you can find similar varieties, like BC Roadkill and Privada RKS quite easily.

11. Hawaiian Snow

hawaiian snow bud


Hawaiian Snow is a combination of Neville’s Haze, Pure Haze, and Hawaiian Haze, which was bred in the late 1960’s. Hawaiian Snow has THC levels that have the potential of reaching up to 23% at peak potency. This Sativa strain is well-known for its spicy smell reminiscent of incense and a cerebral high.

12. Molokai Frost

While not quite as rare as other strains on this list, it is hard to find. Molokai Frost is a Hawaiian landrace Sativa strain with a high THC content. Levels top out at around 22%!

While popular in the hippie era, it hasn’t been around for a while, which is a shame. Molokai Frost has an enjoyable tropical flavor and provides an excellent cerebral high.

13. Bubba OG

bubba og bud


Bubba OG or BOG is considered to be one of the go-to strains for pain relief. Bubba OG is a hybrid between Bubba Kush and OG Kush. It is known to help with chronic pain, muscle spasms, nausea, and insomnia. It is said to smell like the bed of a rose garden, with a heavy dose of skunk. It is a sleepy-headed strain, so for those who seek relaxation or suffer from insomnia, this strain is often nothing short of a miracle.

14. Greek Kalamata

You don’t typically hear about strains from Greece due to their domestic drug policies wiping out cultivation back in the ‘80s. Sadly, that means it’s almost impossible to find Greek Kalamata anymore.

The strain has old lineages; it’s Sativa-dominant with roots in East Asia dating back to 1,100 AD. It also has some African genetics, potent THC content and provides users with intense, racy effects. This strain can grow to be 15-feet tall and features a woody citrus aroma.

15. Hindu Kush

hindu kush bud


The Hindu Kush is an indica cannabis strain that gets its name from a mountain range between Pakistan and Afghanistan, which is where it was originally cultivated. This pure strain has THC levels in the high 20%.

It is said to provide a calm, euphoric high and is best consumed during evenings or at night. The high of this pure strain is said to last up to 8 hours. But unfortunately, thanks to mass hybridization, this strain is on the verge of extinction.

16. Thai Stick

Thai Stick is a unique strain, and no one’s seen it since 1977 when it was named one of the top strains. Some even believe that it’s not a strain; they say Thai Stick refers to a Thai bud combined with opium or served attached to a bamboo stick.

Although other Thai strains are commonly found among seed companies and dispensaries these days, the original Thai heritage is long gone (or at least quite polluted). A few companies have revived some Thai genetics, though, and now sell Thai Stick seeds that are 100% pure landrace Sativa.

17. Lamb’s Bread

lambs bread bud


Lamb’s Bread or Lamb’s Breath has no origin story when it comes to the name. This Sativa strain is great for relaxation and elevated cerebral activity along with stress relief, treating depression, pain, lack of appetite, and insomnia. It is said to be the favorite of both Bob Marley and Peter Tosh.

Thanks to its popularity, the strain is now almost extinct even though it takes just 7-9 weeks to cultivate. Try growing it yourself with our grow kits at a Pot for Pot.

18. Black African Magic

Another Sativa variety that was all over the place in the ‘70s and ‘80s, Black African Magic, is quite hard to find. However, there’s plenty of speculation about this herb. Many wonder if it was an actual strain or the characteristic black color came from the buds being exposed to certain conditions.

Those who know about this fabled bud probably also know how potent it is, boasting intense cerebral effects. In 2005, DJ Short stated that Black African Magic was the most potent strain he had ever tried. Unfortunately, it’s all but impossible to find seeds these days. Here’s to hoping they still exist somewhere so that we can all try it one day.

19. Amnesia Haze

amnesia haze bud


Amnesia Haze is both intoxicating and highly psychedelic. This Sativa cannabis strain is said to be an Amsterdam favorite and has citrus/lemon fragrance with sweet floral undertones.

It was bred by Soma Seeds and First Medical Seeds using Afghani Hawaiian, Jamaican Sativa, and Laos Sativa or Super Silver Haze and Cambodia Sativa. 

It is rarely found outside of Europe, particularly Amsterdam. Thanks to its long flowering time and sensitivity to pests, cultivating Amnesia Haze is not a walk in the park.

20. Parvati

This potent landrace strain is native to the Parvati Valley, located in the Indian Himalayas. It’s a wispy Sativa bud known for being particularly resinous. Many people use it to make “charas,” a type of handmade hash found in Pakistan, Nepal, and India.

Parvati is only one of many indigenous landrace strains preserved by many companies. However, these ancient strains are almost always sold out, making it a challenge for anyone to get their hands on some seeds. The Parvati strain is excellent for anyone who loves hash; however, this particular strain‘s CBD and THC contents are widely unknown.

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And there you have it – a comprehensive list of some of the rarest cannabis strains to exist in 2022, and why they’re so difficult to find in today’s world.

Have you come across any of these strains in your adventures? Let us know! And don’t forget, keeping your cannabis plants healthy is the key to success. Check out our cannabis growing kits to help you out.

What about growing your own cannabis plants? With a Pot for Pot grow kits, it doesn’t have to be hard

FAQ for Rare Cannabis Strains in 2022

Are there rare cannabis strains? And why are they rare?
Yes! Cannabis has been cultivated since time immemorial and some strains have become extinct or are on the verge of extinction. The lack of availability of some strains have made them even more popular. There are several explanations on why some strains are becoming rare. Nonetheless, cannabis has been there long enough and various communities have cultivated their own strains which soon become extinct due to passing generations, cross-breeding or changes in the environment.

What are some of the rarest cannabis strains that I try out?
There are over 20 rare cannabis strain each with different taste, appearance and level of THC and CBD composition. Some of the rare strains include Malawi Gold, Jamaican Lion, Sweet Tooth, Panama Red, Lasqueti Haze(extinct), Hawaiian Snow, Bubba OG, Hindu Kush, Lamb’s Bread and Amnesia Haze among others.

Which rare strain has the best high?
Rare strains have the capability of producing high feeling but this depends on the level of THC. Out of the rare strains listed above, the Hawaiian Snow produces the best high feeling thanks to THC levels reaching up to 23% at peak potency. The spicy smell also gives a feeling of reminiscence and also responsible for cerebral high.

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